A call to action and care
All through the world and in our cities and streets 1000’s of people are managing and surviving.
In a world more and more met with the swiping of a finger to the next story on our glass screens , the growth of mental health diagnosis and symptom healing medicine or counseling becoming the norm with very little true success. Apathy, indifference, projection and excuses becoming a natural way to process the overwhelm in our daily lives, a world where opinions rule vs ever developing truth and curiosity. The suffering of living through nonstop trauma without a true unconditional non-transactional support or empowerment , looking to churches, families, or spiritual paths to find relief or peace only to continue to experience the same story again and again .
What happens when you are given the tools, the practice, the support, the belief in you and the push for you to succeed in finding that revolution within you, the breaking apart of the lack based pervasive systems that have held you back, held you down. The most rewarding and beneficial development and growth is one that is constant, curious, self driven and continuously supported in a method, teachings and community that sees the truth and has learned how to actively apply it while supporting you relentlessly. A path to freedom, a path of living, a path of knowledge.
You have been brainwashed long enough. You have been surviving long enough. You have been conforming long enough. You have been alone long enough. It is time to start LIVING on purpose and out loud.
The Aurora Collegium is a Grass Roots development society in the pursuit and application of real truth, authentic unconditional community, fulfillment, success and growth for and with those who seek liberation from the imposed and self imposed shackles encountered in life. The Aurora collegium is a Collegium of learning led by Magistar Aurora Wulves MMF with the practice of the Aurora Method. Aurora has helped 100’s find new paths of living, growth, joy, knowledge, authenticity and truth from a lifetime of feeling lost and alone. It is now time to expand and open the Aurora Collegium with her Husband Leo G Wulves. From Grassroots to active real support to many.
Your Donations, Gifts, Contributions and support are an active and direct call to action to help with not just the basics of day to day activities and expenses but to also support in the stabilizing of the Collegium and her founders as the world has hit many the past few years with relentless survival collapse and the necessity for foundational fortification is imperative in the longevity of the Collegium. There are vast needs required to extract people from survival and to take them beyond those confines to begin living a desire and dream fulfilled life. Housing, food, clothing, medical, educational, body maintenance expenses are but a short list of necessities required unconditionally.
Your donations also help with extracting families and individuals from abusive homes. Your donations help in opening a home to the Aurora Collegium, a safe place for learning, empowerment, community, a breath of life and hope. Your donations support the creations and video archives and teaching to be distributed through the Collegium and online so as to reach all who need it to find living, peace and community.
All donations are welcomed. Real estate lots or properties (mixed used or otherwise) to generate a stable location for the Collegium and extraction recuperation zones, vehicles, housing opportunities, gift cards, monetary. The Collegium has a need for video audio gear to aid in all the upcoming classes and projects. Financial Aid in helping the Aurora Collegium offer certified training for Adult peer support counselors at no cost to its students or for those in need and have a calling to do such needed work within our communities. We are growing rapidly and in need of Start Up Capital to expand and secure The Aurora Collegium’s 1st compound of learning and community.
Join the revolution and be an active reflection of liberation. Let’s fucking go team!
Donations , Gifts , Support

Let’s fucking go !!