The Aurora Collegium is a development society built from the Aurora Method, a lifestyle of insatiable curiosity and non stop learning. 

Phase one launch of the Aurora Collegium are The Pods, themed development groups built with the intention of growth and curiosity into wholeness and truth within the applied Aurora Method and lifestyle. The front line foundational groups of the Collegium Community.

As we move forward with the next phase/s:

The Aurora Collegium will be offering a 2 year full curriculum program of personal development with a certification as Magus as well as an intensive and extensive 4 year full curriculum program with the certification of Magistar or Magister.

These full time programs will be offered in Video conferencing, Video Archival studies and in person

The Aurora Collegium will be offering additional and supplementary speciality studies via Video series for Students of the Collegium and Non Students as well

The Aurora Collegium will be offering to it’s students also State Certification as Adult Peer Support Specialists

The Aurora Collegium will offer throughout the year Special classes and Trainings available to all interested and with an application requirement

The Aurora Collegium will offer free video meditations 

The Aurora Collegium will be offering opportunities for involvement within the Collegium’s outreach programs, fundraisers, events as we aim to be active humanitarians

The Aurora Collegium will be home to Knstk Records, an in house audio production company

The Aurora Collegium will extend into an in person campus, printing press and publishing house focused on the work of the founders, alumni and students, a campus bookstore and coffee shop