PSA - Public Service Announcement
Through the arts will you find the keys on the journey
A Poem
There was a time not longer ago
Where I gave up , all hope , desire
Layed down on a pissed soaked
Piece of foam
Hip bones grinding the tile floor
Never wanting to wake
No more counting of days
As if nothing mattered
The menace of more pain
On the menu tomorrow
Welcoming the game of
Russian roulette with the barrels full
In and out of consciousness
Waking weaker and weaker
These deaths for rebirth
These falls to rise up
To continue to be dangerous
For what aim , my heart
Somewhere lost on the road
Opposing all dominance
Of the Status ticket holders
The big winners , the gluttons
Ribs exposed , belly tight
Feet broken , wobbling
7 bites over 19 days
That survival training came in usefull
This vessel beaten by the storm
How did I get here ?
The hell written in books
Alive in the broken streets
Of this ancient village
Seen by all yet invisable
Aimless hopeless beyond
What is called fatigue
Calling my echo in the darkness
The bounce of time the return
Giving thanks to the strong
To the meak , to the lost
A middle finger raised
To your army of apathy
The inddiferent snipers
The can kickers
No longer a care
Alone watching time fade
Fading color skin grey
A note in D minor
Already lifeless wingless
Which tree had our initals
Been Carved for the world to see
Doesn’t matter now
Will your hear my goodbye
Remember my love
Does it matter now
My guardian ever present
Sitting on my heart
Pulling me from the mud
Scratching at my door
To wake me up
My only heard purpose
It's for my love , my children
All who have suffered
My scream so quiet
Never to be heard
Never here at least
Silly planet of self importance
Passing out on my knees
I pray
Leo G Wulves